Mathematical model of matter transfer in a helical magnetic field using boundary conditions at infinity


Lazareva G. G.,Oksogoeva I. P.,Sudnikov A. V.


The paper presents a mathematical model of plasma transfer in an open magnetic trap using the condition of zero plasma concentration at infinity. New experimental data obtained at the SMOLA trap at the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS were used. Plasma confinement in the plant is carried out by transmitting a pulse from a magnetic field with helical symmetry to a rotating plasma. The mathematical model is based on a stationary plasma transfer equation in an axially symmetric formulation. The stationary equation of the transfer of matter contains second spatial derivatives. The optimal template for the approximation of the mixed derivative based on the test problem is selected. The numerical implementation of the model by the establishment method and the method of successive over-relaxation is compared.


Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


General Medicine

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