Typology of civilizations in the diachronic dimension: Basic models and perspectives of Russia


Ivanov A. V.,Popkov Yu. V.


Under the current civilizational crisis, we need a promising model of the civilizational world order and we have to focus on its features and advantages compared to the historically preceding types of civilizations. The authors solve two main tasks: first, they explain the identification of the main types of civilizational development in the diachronic dimension and in search of a civilizational project that meets best the contemporary needs and realities; second, they examine the spiritual-ecological development strategy as a basic model of the civilizational future. Based on the civilizational approach in its diachronic dimension, the authors identify the historical types of the global world order. Unlike the common typology - traditional/preindustrial, industrial/ technogenic and post-industrial/information civilizations, the authors distinguish traditional/ biocentric, technogenic-consumer/technocentric and spiritual-ecological/noospheric civilizations, and focus on the description of the last one. The spiritual-ecological type of civilization is not presented as a purely ideal project, because it has already been partially implemented in different periods and in different cultures. Today, its implementation at a qualitatively new level can help to overcome the contradictions of the current crisis in the global development. Russia has certain prerequisites for the development of such a promising model - rich natural resources, historically established spiritual values, and opportunities for a new Eurasian integration. The sociological analysis of the youth value priorities indicates the attractiveness of the new civilization and the partial readiness of the youth to become real actors of the civilizational transformation. Thus, the authors conclude that the current period can become transitional - from the technogenic-consumer to the spiritual-ecological type of the global world order.


Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


General Social Sciences

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