Untimely thoughts on the culture of diversity


Kuropjatnik M. S.


The study of cultural diversity and relevant models of diversity management, including historical patterns of cultural dominance, helps to form immunity to the latest manifestations of Eurocentrism. As a new approach to diversity, interculturalism implies a shift in the focus from the diversity of cultures and multicultural coexistence to the culture of diversity. The main dimensions of the culture of diversity are awareness of diversity, recognition of diversity, engagement in contexts of diversity, and the creation of more common public spaces. Another important trend is rethinking the diversity: a) its destigmatization as a phenomenon associated with Others, with exotic and peripheral loci, and representation of diversity as an advantage in terms of creativity and innovation; b) conceptualization of contemporary social and cultural contexts in terms of superdiversity. Unlike the classical concepts of multiculturalism, interculturalism focuses on both positive contacts as the most promising way of social integration and social dynamics in local contexts of superdiversity. However, the understanding of these processes differs in the political (G. Bouchard), social (T. Cantle) and cultural (R. Zapata-Barrero) directions of interculturalism. Under the destruction of social structures and institutions, interculturalism focusing on the development of interpersonal contacts and relations across borders can become a basis for the search for compromises and mutual understanding. However, the ideas of interculturalism and the processes launched by it turned out to be ‘locked’ in Western contexts, outside of which polarization is obvious in both political and cultural spheres. These tendencies imply an epistemological and ontological distinction between the West and Russia, producing gaps in the social-cultural space, patterns of escalation of schismogenesis and cultural encapsulation, and the rejection on intercultural contacts.


Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


General Social Sciences

Reference34 articles.

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