Visual Metaphors in Pedagogical Discourse


Chulkina Nina L.ORCID,Makashova Victoria V.ORCID


A visual metaphor is an image that allows you convey the meaning that escapes during verbal representation, as well as to enhance the impact of the message. It is for this reason that visual metaphor occupies a special place in pedagogical discourse. The explanation of unknown concepts and phenomena by referring to the formed units of knowledge presented figuratively is a necessary stage of cognition of reality. Visual metaphorization of complexly organized aggregates of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world facilitates their perception, thereby representing their essence in a visual and accessible form. The basis of the visual metaphor is the similarity in function, purpose, shape, color, size. A number of scientific papers are devoted to the methodology of analyzing individual verbal metaphors. At the same time, the visual metaphors used by the teacher to explain the transmitted educational information have not been practically investigated. This provision determines the relevance of the research. The target of the study is to study the specifics of visual metaphorization in pedagogical discourse. As part of the educational process, visual metaphors are embodied in the form of mind maps, mood boards, singular metaphorical references that explicate an Abstract idea in a system of images formed during the development of curricula and personal subjective experience. It is established that the use of these methods of visualization of theoretical material, built on the basis of a given visual metaphor, contribute to the structuring and memorization of educational information, the development of creative and cognitive potential. A visual metaphor acts as a vector for analyzing a problem situation: the creative process of interpreting a visual image leads to the identification of a logical relationship between the images, revealing the nature of the object or phenomenon being studied, as well as the formation of creative thinking of students.


Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Reference36 articles.

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5. Bolshakova, L.S. (2011). The cognitive mechanism of creating a visual metaphor (based on the material of English-language music videos). Modern problems of science and education, 2, 119. (In Russ.).







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