Influence of multicomponent fertilizers on spring rapeseed productivity


Zubkova Tatyana V.ORCID


Field experiments were conducted on leached chernozem in conditions of forest-steppe of the Central Chernozem region in 2018-2020. Spring rapeseed cv. Rubezh was chosen as the object of the research. The processing of rapeseed plants was carried out twice: in the leaf rosette phase and growth of the central stem - according to the scheme: 1. Control (without treatment); 2. Ecolist Macro 12-4-7 (2L/ha); 3. BionexKemi (2L/ha); 4. Ecolist Macro 12-4-7+ Borogum (2L/ha + 1.0 l/ha); 5. Bionex-Kemi + Borogum (2L/ha + 1.0 L/ha). The studies conducted showed that the fertilizers used in the experiment contributed to a reduction in the growing season by 2-3 days. The treatment of spring rapeseed plants with agents positively affected both the indicators of the crop structure and, in general, the productivity of spring rapeseed. Foliar top dressing with the studied fertilizers contributed to greater fruit setting and preservation of the pods. In comparison with the control, the maximum increase - 1.80 c/ha and 1.62 c/ha - was obtained when using Ecolist Macro 12-4-7+ Borogum fertilizer complex and Bionex-Kemi + Borogum, respectively. The studied multicomponent fertilizers resulted in reducing of protein in spring rapeseed seeds, but significantly increased the oil content. The maximum oil yield was obtained from the use of a mixture of Ecolist Macro 12-4-7+ Borogum (769.4 kg/ha).


Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

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