Public Service Performance: A Case Study in Public Relation Information and Communication South Sulawesi Province


Arifin ZainalORCID


One of the tasks of the government is fulfilling community rights by providing services. Services provided should follow existing laws and regulations; fast, reliable, and appropriate services are the main foundation for fulfilling community rights. Service performance can be measured using a theory proposed by Dwiyanto; the theory presents five indicators: productivity, service quality, responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability. Our study employed a qualitative descriptive method and would provide a systematic, factual, and accurate description of the object under study. We described public services from the point of view of service performance and factors supporting and inhibiting the performance of bureaucratic services. Our finding showed that public service performance had no standard operating procedure, resulting in time uncertainty for the services provided. There was also a problem related to the low ability of human resources, resulting in constraints on responsiveness. However, public employees showed good accountability and responsibility in providing services. Thus, it is necessary to have standard operating procedures and include education and training staff.


Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


General Medicine

Reference30 articles.

1. Government of Indonesia. Law № 25, Year 2009. URL: Details/38748/uu-no-25-tahun-2009 (accessed: 26.04.2023) (Indon.).

2. Government of Indonesia. Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia № 96 Year 2012. URL: (accessed: 26.04.2023) (Indon.).

3. Government of Indonesia, Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia № 2 Year 2018. URL: (accessed: 26.04.2023) (Indon.).

4. South Sulawesi Regional Government Regulation of the Governor of South Sulawesi № 18 Year 2019. URL: (accessed: 26.04.2023) (Indon.).

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