Heighten Science Publications Corporation
Reference39 articles.
1. 1. Luisetto M, Khan FA, Cabianca L, Mokbul MI, Rafa AY, et al. Amygdala pharmacology and crime behavior, dysfunctions to be considered as a disease. Int Arch BioMed Clin Res. 2016; 2: 1-4. Ref.:
2. 2. Luisetto M, Mashori GR, Nili-Ahmadabadi B, Khan FA, Khan KR. Mindset kinetics and some depression status: A new quantitative model under biochemical - toxicology approach? Insights Depress Anxiety. 2018; 2: 029-039. Ref.:
3. 3. Luisetto M. Brain and Transmission Signal Modulation. theranostic brain disorder 2017;
4. 4. Luisetto M. Jurisdictional Consequences in some brain condition. Neurochem Neuropharm 2017; 3: 2(Suppl). Ref.:
5. 5. Luisetto M, Nili-Ahmadabadi B, Mashori GR, Rafa AY, Sahu RK, et al. Brain and Immune System: KURU, a Strange Kind of Disease. An Endogenous Toxicological Process Like? EC Neurology. 2018; 10: 7. 613-625. Ref.: