1. Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of Covid-19
2. NHS Blood and Transplant.Annual report on liver transplantation. Report for 2018/2019 (1 April 2009 – 31 March 2019). Aug 2019.https://nhsbtdbe.blob.core.windows.net/umbraco-assets-corp/16782/nhsbt-liver-transplantation-annual-report-2018-19.pdf(viewed Sept 2020).
3. Australia and New Zealand Liver and Intestinal Transplant Registry.30th annual report.2020.https://www.anzlitr.org/wp-content/uploads/Reports/30thReport.pdf(viewed Sept 2020).
4. Allocation of liver grafts worldwide – Is there a best system?
5. Split Liver Transplantation: An Overview