The National Emergency Access Target (NEAT) and the 4‐hour rule: time to review the target


Sullivan Clair123,Staib Andrew123,Khanna Sankalp4,Good Norm M4,Boyle Justin4,Cattell Rohan5,Heiniger Liam4,Griffin Bronwyn R67,Bell Anthony Jr89,Lind James10,Scott Ian A19


1. Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, QLD

2. Mater Medical Research Institute, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD

3. Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD

4. CSIRO Australian e‐Health Research Centre, Brisbane, QLD

5. Sydney, NSW

6. Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, Brisbane, QLD

7. Children's Centre of Burns and Trauma Research, Queensland Children's Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, QLD

8. Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital, Brisbane, QLD

9. University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD

10. Gold Coast University Hospital, Gold Coast, QLD




General Medicine

Reference21 articles.

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4. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.Indicators of safety and quality: core hospital‐based outcome indicators [website].‐work/information‐strategy/indicators/core‐hospital‐based‐outcome‐indicators/(accessed May 2015).

5. Aiming to be NEAT: safely improving and sustaining access to emergency care in a tertiary referral hospital







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