1. DEMBER, N. D., & FOWLER, H. 1958 Spontaneous alternation behavior. Psychol. Bull., 55, 412-428.
2. FUJITA, O. 1955 Studies of spontaneous alternation: I. The effect of inter-trial intervals, work and hunger drive. Jap. J. Psychol., 25, 230-239.(In Japanese with an English summary)
3. FUJITA, O. 1959 Studies of spontaneous alternation: V. The effect of electro-convulsive shock (E. C. S.) Jap. J. Psychol., 59, 325-332.(In Japanese with an English summary)
4. GROSSLIGHT, J. H., & Tichnor, W. 1953 Variability and reactive inhibition in the mealworm as a function of determined turning sequences. J. comp. physiol. Psychol., 55, 969-971.
5. IWAHARA, S. 1956 The effect of intertrial interval on spontaneous alternation in the cochroach. Ann. Animal Psychol., (Tokyo), 6, 83-86.(In Japanese only)