Narratives of Russian Propaganda in the Ukrainian Media Space in the Context of Implementation of European Values


Soloviova AnnaORCID


Russian propaganda significantly influences the Ukrainian media landscape, actively fueling ethnic and political tensions. Through various media channels, it propagates a negative narrative regarding European integration, aiming to instill a sense of threat to national security and cultural identity. Therefore, the promotion and implementation of European values are crucial for Ukraine, as they serve as a strategic defense against Russian propaganda. European principles such as democracy, rule of law, freedom of speech, human rights and tolerance are fundamental for ensuring stability and progress within Ukrainian society. So the purpose of the study is the identification of Russian propaganda narratives in the Ukrainian media space within the context of implementation of European values and providing their typology. This article explores the influence of Russian narratives on the views and perceptions of Ukrainian society regarding European values, as well as possible response strategies of the Ukrainian media to the spread of Russian propaganda narratives are being researched. Furthermore, the data gathered from research on Russian propaganda gives author the opportunity to develop own typology of narratives of Russian propaganda. Also the main tools, themes and motives of Russian propaganda are revealed in the article. In paper it is made an attempt to assess of the influence of Russian narratives on the views and perceptions of Ukrainian society regarding European values and to compare the influence of Russian propaganda at the Ukrainian and European levels. Thus, enhancing the public’s media literacy and implementing the European values within society are vital components of Ukraine’s national security and long-term development, particularly in the context of information warfare. Overlooking the impact of propaganda narratives on the public will result in significant setbacks in communication and information dissemination. Hence, it is imperative to devise strategies to combat such propaganda narratives and foster among the citizens a sense of critical thinking and the importance of verifying information, particularly during times of societal crisis.


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

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