The purpose of the study was to develop an optimal model of simulation and practical examination stations “hygiene and ecology” as components of objective structured clinical examination for the actualization of the formation of a preventive way of thinking among students of higher medical training. The paper analyzes the Passports of the simulation and practical stations of the objective structured clinical examination, their methodological and logistical support, which will allow to fully perform all the tasks and methods provided by the algorithms for mastering special professional competencies. The simulation station reproduces a number of real-life situations in specific tasks (25 options in total), the solution of which allows to assess the student's mastery of the professional competencies provided by the higher education standard, in particular: determining the risks to public health from the consumption of poor-quality drinking water, determining the nutritional status of the patient and the appropriateness of the prescription of therapeutic nutrition for the prevention of “diseases of civilization”, determining the requirements for compliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements in health care facilities. The practical station is equipped with modern analytical instruments which allows the student to demonstrate their practical skills, in particular: bacterial air testing with evaluation of the results, research and evaluation of indoor microclimate parameters, research and evaluation of light environment parameters, measurement and evaluation of ionizing radiation, professional hand hygiene in health care facilities. To ensure high-quality training of students to perform the tasks of a practical station additional educational video guides were created, which are posted for general access on the department's page on the website of the University. Conclusion. Ukraine has now formed its own complex set of social, technogenic and environmental problems, which necessitates the development of appropriate skills and abilities in preventive medicine in future general practitioners. Objective structured clinical examination is a modern type of assessment of students' practical knowledge and skills, designed to test their acquisition of clinical skills and competencies that cannot be assessed by traditional forms of examinations. For the practical implementation of the preventive part of objective structured clinical examination in institutions of higher medical education, it should be taken into account that the traditional methods of protection and prevention, which have been developed by mankind over the centuries for the prevention of mass infectious, environmentally dependent, occupational and lifestyle diseases, in modern conditions are insufficient and/or ineffective
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
Microbiology (medical),Immunology,Immunology and Allergy
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