Ensuring Physical Activity of People with Injuries and Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System in Military and Emergency Conditions


Saveliev M. A.ORCID,


The purpose of the study was to consider the main methods of increasing the physical activity of people with disabilities (in wheelchairs) in emergency situations, military conflicts, natural disasters, etc. Materials and methods. The study of physical rehabilitation of people with disabilities (in wheelchairs) was conducted by the author during many years working as a trainer of the Kyiv Regional Center for Physical Culture and Sports for the Disabled “Invasport” and continued during the military actions in the country in 2022–2023 with an emphasis on the problems of rehabilitation of patients in military and emergency conditions. In order to increase the physical activity of people with disabilities (in wheelchairs) in conditions limited by military operations, it is recommended to pay special attention to exercises for the muscles of the neck, joints, and muscles of upper limbs; exercises for the lower limbs and pelvic organs; exercises for back and trunk muscles; balance exercises, breathing exercises, etc. Massage and self-massage procedures will also be useful in such situations. Results and discussion. The effectiveness of rehabilitation and, as a result, the successful outcome of maintaining the physical activity of people with spinal injuries and disabilities largely depends on the early start and correct selection of rehabilitation programs. In addition, the choice of methods and means of physical rehabilitation and physical activity for people with disabilities in the limited military and emergency conditions depends on their general physical and mental condition, the presence of accompanying diseases and complications, as well as on the surrounding circumstances. However, regardless of the difficulties and surrounding circumstances, people with disabilities (in a wheelchair) or with an injury and spine diseases must be engaged in physical therapy and do physical exercises in order not to lose the physical capacity for action, even limited, to be able to adapt to the circumstances and mobilize functional reserves of their bodies. Conclusion. Comprehensive rehabilitation is an integral part of therapy for patients with spinal injuries, people with disabilities (in wheelchairs), etc. Physical exercises not only affect the development of the motor activity of people with disabilities but also increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors, activating vegetative systems, stimulating and normalizing functions of body systems. The gradual adaptation of the body to physical exertion leads to adaptation, mobilization and use of the body's functional reserves. Physical training itself is an adaptation process that activates the body's hidden reserves


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University


Microbiology (medical),Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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