Analysis of the Effectiveness of Caries Prevention in Children of 6-7 Years Old who Permanently Live in Conditions of Biogeochemical Deficiency of Fluoride and Iodine


Klitynska O. V., ,Stishkovskyy A. V.,Zorivchak T. I.,Shetelya V. V.,Dyachuk J. V.


The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of remineralizing prevention of dental caries in children living in conditions of biogeochemically deficient trace elements in the period of eruption and mineralization of the first permanent molars, by introducing a treatment and prevention complex. Materials and methods. 73 first-graders of Uzhhorod secondary schools with different general health conditions were selected. The control group consisted of 26 healthy children of the same age. Indicators of caries prevalence, intensity and activity (CP + CPV index), changes in hygienic and periodontal indices (I. G. Green, I. R. Vermillion, Fedorova-Volodkina, PMA) in the dynamics of treatment (after 12 months) were determined and compared with the control group. Results and discussion. 12 months after the use of treatment and prevention complex there was an improvement in dental status, a decrease in the prevalence (p >0.05), intensity (p >0.05) of caries, no permanent teeth were removed, the number of carious temporary and permanent teeth significantly reduced, the percentage of decompensated caries decreased in all clinical groups relative to pre-treatment rates in children of all observation groups (p <0.05). After using treatment and prevention complex in determining the effectiveness of the clinical group a significant increase in patients without caries (6.80±0.01; 16.42±0.09; p <0.05), an increase in the percentage of patients with compensated degree of caries activity (15.10±0.51; 38.36±0.12; p <0.05), and a decrease in the percentage of subcompensated (46.60±2.07; 34.25±0.10; p <0.05) and decompensated (31.50±1.08; 10.97±0.01; p <0.05) course were found. The average values of the OHI-S index in children improved and corresponded to the indicators of satisfactory hygiene in all groups, the Fedorov-Volodkina index corresponded to good hygiene, the PMA index normalized, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed treatment and prevention complex in children of all clinical groups. Conclusion. Our research has established the relationship between magnesium content and dental status, taking into account the burden of somatic pathology, which complicates the absorption of such essential element as magnesium in the gastrointestinal tract. Normalization of magnesium content after 12 months leads to improved nervous system and dental health in children of 6-7 years old, who live permanently in the region of biogeochemical deficiency of fluoride and iodine. The use of the developed treatment and prevention complex in children of primary school age with high reliability leads to the improvement of the level of dental health


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

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