The process of students’ adaptation should be considered as a dynamic and integrated process of forming the necessary skills to meet the needs that arise during study at a higher education institution. The purpose of the study was to establish the nature of psychophysiological indicators of students with different types of autonomic regulation in conditions of physical and mental activity. Materials and methods. The article presents the results of a study of the psychophysiological indicators of 128 students (65 boys and 63 girls) of the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University aged 17-25 years. All students had psychophysiological indicators before and after mental and physical activity measured with the device for psychophysiological research «PFI-2». The students were divided into groups according to the types of vegetative regulation, according to the method of express assessment of the functional state of regulatory systems according to N. I. Shlyk. All students had indicators of heart rate variability at rest on short recordings of the cardiac signal (2 minutes), obtained with the help of the rhythm «MPFI-rhythmograph-1». Proofreading method according to the method of M. V. Krivonosov et al. (2001) was used as a mental load, which consisted of finding and selecting a specific letter in test tables for 20-25 minutes. Aerobic exercise consisted of taking a distance of 2 km on a rowing machine Concept-2 for 10 minutes. Results and discussion. The obtained results showed that after the mental load, the psychophysiological indicators of students of all groups did not change reliably, which led to the formation of adaptation mechanisms. However, only the students of group 3 have grouped reliable changes in some indicators of the correct sample, which reflects the state of development of mobilization. After physical exertion, changes in individual and typological indicators were observed in representatives of groups 1 and 3. A significant decrease in the indicators of functional mobility of nervous processes and the strength of nervous processes indicates the mobilization of the body's reserves. The value of the dynamics of nervous processes in group 1 significantly increased after physical exertion, which indicates the development of a state of fatigue. There was also a significant increase in the number of anticipated/delayed reactions in group 3, which indicates the predominance of excitation processes over inhibition. After physical exertion, no significant changes in psychodynamic parameters were observed, but in group 2, the time of the complex simple visual-motor reaction significantly increased, which indicates the development of a state of fatigue. After physical exercise, the students of group 3 have observed significant changes in the values of the correction test indicators, which indicates the mobilization of the body's reserves. Conclusion. The analysis of the results of the study made it possible to establish that the mental load had an insignificant effect on the representatives of group 3. After physical exertion, significant changes were observed in representatives of all groups, except for group 4
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
Microbiology (medical),Immunology,Immunology and Allergy
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