Organometrical Parameters of the Placenta in Premature Delivery on the Background of Iron Deficiency Anemia during Pregnancy


Garvasiuk О. V.ORCID, ,Ilika V. V.ORCID,Davydenko I. S.ORCID,Іlika O. V.ORCID


The purpose of the study was to establish the organometric features of the placenta without disturbing the chorionic tree maturation processes against the background of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy in two periods of gestation – 29-32 and 33-36 weeks. Materials and methods. A total of 103 placentas were examined. The object of the study was placental chorionic tree at two gestational periods – 29-32 and 33-36 weeks in combination with iron deficiency anemia in gravidas. The study of the placenta at the organ level involved the determination of the basic organometric parameters, umbilical cord and free amniotic membranes, the evaluation of the attachment of the umbilical cord to the organ, the type of branching of the chorionic plate, descriptive characteristics of the maternal surface of the placenta with assessment of cotyledons. Placenta’s weight, thickness, maternal surface area and volume of each placenta were determined. The determination of gestational period is based on a combination of two principles: morphological stages of development of the chorionic tree of the placenta and clinical affiliation of the material (premature birth). The planning of the required number of observations in each study group was determined on the basis of calculations of a sufficient number for the specific statistical method used at a sensitivity level of 0.80 and a significance level of p = 0.05. Results and discussion. In both study groups with normal maturation of the chorionic tree of the placenta in combination with iron deficiency anaemia during pregnancy, the degree of maturity of the chorionic tree does not reach the level of physiological pregnancy, p<0.001. At the gestation period of 29-32 weeks, intermediate mature and terminal chorionic villi predominate histologically. At 33-36 weeks, terminal chorionic villi are significantly predominant. For both terms, fibrinoid is found in the form of a continuous or sometimes intermittent layer that covers the villus on its surface from the outside. A high percentage of trophoblastic and villous growths is characteristic, which is associated with the strengthening of the phenomena of regeneration of damaged villi. Conclusion. Iron deficiency anaemia during pregnancy affects the development of the chorionic tree of the placenta – the degree of maturity of the chorionic tree does not reach the level of physiological pregnancy; the phenomena of regeneration of damaged villi are enhanced. Regardless of the gestation period, the volume of the placenta does not reach the level of a physiological pregnancy. Iron deficiency anaemia during pregnancy can potentiate premature birth in women at 29-32 and 33-36 weeks of gestation


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University


Microbiology (medical),Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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