Discrete-Event Simulation of the Triangular Relations of the Components of the Working Process of a Dentist Doctor in Endodontic Manipulations


Kostenko Ye. Ya., ,Ratushniy R. I.,Bogdan I. M.,Bilynsky O. Ya.,Kostenko S. B.


Today in modern dentistry one of the urgent tasks is to increase the level of productivity of the dentist, while maintaining his or her mental and physical health. To find a rational solution to this issue, much attention is paid to ergonomics, which is aimed at protecting the work of doctors, improving the efficiency and quality of their work, creating optimal working conditions for them, ensuring safety and comfort for patients, and developing the latest dental equipment. The purpose of the study is to describe the clinical and experimental forecasting of the influence of ergonomics derivatives of dentists on the result of endodontic manipulations. Materials and methods. The methods, which were used, are targeted research methods, in particular Rapid Entire Body Assessment and Rapid Upper Limb Assessment, software Tecnomatix Jack (Siemens), StatPlusPro for Windows. The subject of research: a sample of 32 dentists (17 male dentists) (53.13%) and 15 female dentists (46.88%), who provide dental care on the basis of the University Dental Clinic, as well as in within other clinical bases of the dental faculty of Uzhhorod National University. Results and discussion. Analyzing the final results of iatrogenic interventions, there is a direct impact of ergonomics, justified by the presence of proven relationships between the integrated quality indicator of dental rehabilitation and procedural-manual-associated components of the treatment process. Non-compliance with the basic principles of ergonomics during various dental manipulations is evidence of changes in the pathological nature of the musculoskeletal system of the dentist, but there is still lack of data on the impact of the above changes on quantitative and qualitative indicators of effectiveness and predictability of treatment. Considerable attention needs to be paid to the analysis of the influence of ergonomic features of dentists' work on the result of endodontic treatment of teeth and their post-endodontic restoration, taking into account the initial complexity of this type of manipulation. As this is significantly influenced by anatomical variations in the structure of the endodontic, limited visualization of the working field, the need to ensure mandatory isolation of the intervention and permanent control over the absence of contamination of endodontic structures during treatment, topographic features of individual teeth (molars, in particular), features and physical characteristics of mechanical (rotational) and manual endodontic instruments. Conclusion. Occurrence of complications arising from endodontic treatment directly affect the prognosis of the dentition as a complex biomechanical system of the dental apparatus in cases of further post-endodontic restoration of teeth by direct or indirect restorations, as well as when using them as supports for future crowns, and also removable and non-removable types of orthopedic structures. In cases of fixation of bridges on endodontically treated teeth, the emergence of iatrogenic-associated complications due to biomechanical and biological properties of the endodontic, is associated with a decrease in the prognosis of success and survival of the entire prosthetic structure as a whole, rather than one independent unit of the tooth. Based on this, predicting the risks associated with the development of errors and complications during endodontic treatment, as well as their minimization through the use of various types of preventive measures remains an important scientific and practical issue not only therapeutic but also orthopedic dentistry


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

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