Pavlenko O. V., ,Mochalov I. O.,Sluchevska O. O.,Kryvtsova M. V.,Yurzhenko A. V., , , ,
Chronic inflammatory-dystrophic lesions of periodontal tissues are widespread in Ukraine and the world diseases with complex etiology and pathogenesis. The purpose of the study: to establish the biochemical and cultural properties of microorganisms in periodontal pockets in patients with acute generalized periodontitis using a bacteriological method. Materials and methods: the contents of the periodontal pocket were taken from 10 patients with subsequent seeding on nutrient and differential diagnostic media in the bacteriological laboratory. Cultural, as well as the biochemical, and enzymatic properties of bacterial isolates were identified. Results: Pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms (aerobes and facultative anaerobes), which had a wide range of biochemical properties (additional factors of colonization and pathogenic action) were identified. Purulent microflora was detected in 70.00% of cases. Isolates of Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and P. aeruginosa were predominantly β-hemolytic (except for E. faecalis and S. pneumoniae). The identified bacteria of the intestinal group and the Klebsiella family were lactose- and glucose-positive, K. oxytoca was the most enzymatically active microorganism. Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms of periodontal tissues and oral cavity, as well as the human body as a whole, belong to the facultative microbiota. It is shown that the level of inflammatory process varies with the number of associates of opportunistic pathogens isolated from the inflammatory process. In titers of 102–104 CFU / ml, representatives of the facultative microbiota, as a rule, do not show their pathogenic qualities. At the same time, biochemical properties are essential in the potential ability of opportunistic pathogens to acquire signs of pathogenicity. The titer of bacteria, their hemolytic and proteolytic properties significantly affect the level of virulence of microorganisms. The ability to hemolysis of erythrocytes, found in most isolates, allows to attribute the isolated strains to potentially pathogenic. It is established that the persistence of opportunistic pathogens with a high level of virulence determines the course and intensity of the inflammatory process of periodontal tissues. Conclusions: The study of the role of pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms in the development and maintenance of long-term inflammation of periodontal tissues is a topical issue in medical science and is necessary for the verification of treatment regimens and compliance with infection control
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
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