The Influence of Military-Sports All-Around Training on the Special Physical Training Indicators of Cadets in Military Educational Institutions


Otkydach V. S., ,Olkhovyi О. М.,Korchagin M. V.,Yuriev S. O.,Abramenko O. O., , , ,


The article is devoted to the topical issue of improving the special physical training of cadets of higher military educational institutions by means of military-applied sports. The task of forming the psychophysiological readiness of officers for future military-professional activity in the process of training in a higher military educational institution is solved with the help of a number of disciplines of professional-oriented (military-professional) training, the leading of which is special physical training. According to the authors, classes in the sections of military-applied sports help prepare cadets for future military-professional activities. Military-sports all-around is one of the military-applied sports. The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of military-sports all-around classes on the indicators of special physical training of cadets of higher military educational institutions. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in the period from September 2017 to October 2019 on the basis of Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National University of the Air Force and was aimed at determining the indicators of special physical fitness of cadets. The study involved 95 cadets of the control group, who studied under the current system of physical training and 36 cadets of the experimental group, who were engaged in the section of military-sports all-around. The age of the subjects ranged from 17 to 26 years. During the experiment, there was a study of indicators of special physical training of cadets by the results of special physical exercises (complex dexterity exercise, complex strength exercise, forced march for 5 km) and determining of the average score of special physical training. Results and discussion. The results of the study show an improvement in the results of the representatives of the experimental group in relation to the respondents of the control group: a complex exercise for dexterity by 2.1% (p <0.01), a complex strength exercise by 5.6% (p <0.01), a forced march for 5 km at 1.1% (p <0.01). The average score of special physical training of the experimental group of cadets after the experiment is statistically significantly better than the score of the control group representatives by 8.8% (p <0.05) and corresponds to the score "excellent". Conclusion. Military-sports all-around classes allow to improve the indicators of special physical training of university cadets


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

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