Relationship of Risk Factors for Metabolic-Associated Diseases with Biological Age


Kolesnikova O. V.ORCID, ,Zaprovalna O. E.ORCID,Potapenko A. V.ORCID


Assessment of the rate of aging is of great importance in modern medicine, since people of middle age may have a discrepancy between the calendar and biological age. Biological age is a measure of biological capabilities, which determines not only the past, but also the measures of the forthcoming life expectancy, as well as the risk of certain age-dependent diseases. Metabolic disorders, including hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia induce interrelated processes in the vascular wall as well as increase oxidative stress, apoptosis, and vascular permeability therefore contributing to the development of premature aging. The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between risk factors for metabolic-associated diseases and biological age. Materials and methods. The study involved 119 patients who were divided into 2 groups: 1 group (n = 67) – patients with moderate risk of cardiovascular disease in combination with metabolic-associated diseases (insulin resistance, obesity, hyperuricemia), group 2 (n = 52) – comparison group. Each group was divided into subgroups, depending on age categories: up to 45 years, from 45 years to 60 years (middle-aged patients according to the World Health Organization recommendations), from 60 to 75 years, over 75 years. Results and discussion. Premature aging is diagnosed on the basis of determining the biological age as an indicator of conformity (inconsistency) of the morphofunctional status of the individual to some statistical average development value of this age and sex group. Determination of risk factors for metabolic-associated diseases will effectively counteract the occurrence of pathological conditions and increase life expectancy in these patients. The article presents its own data on the association of risk factors for metabolic-associated diseases, such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, body mass index, elevated insulin levels and high levels of proatherogenic lipids, stress level with increasing biological age, both in the study and in the control groups, thus accelerating the rate of aging. Conclusion. Preventive strategies aimed at preventing the impact of risk factors for metabolic-associated diseases will effectively counteract the occurrence of pathological conditions, prevent cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accident), thereby increasing life expectancy in these patients


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

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