Functional Arthralgies of Knee Joint as a Complex Problem in the Modern Rehabilitation System


Turitska T. G.ORCID, ,Vinnyk A. A.ORCID,Snisar O. S.ORCID


The purpose of the study was to search for and analyze data from modern sources of information on the features of the occurrence and manifestations of pain in the knee joint and approaches to treatment. Materials and methods. The paper presents an analysis and generalization of modern scientific and methodological literature of domestic and foreign authors according to the Internet and Google Scholar service on the peculiarities of arthralgia of the knee joint and concomitant manifestations of this disorder (back pain, posture, etc.). Results and discussion. The article analyzed modern views on the occurrence and development of the process of pain syndrome in the knee joint. Sources on request in the Google Scholar service were analyzed, where the overwhelming majority of publications are described by pain slander and approaches to its treatment after the occurrence of anatomical changes in the structures of bone and soft-wound structures or after surgical interventions. Thus, the prevailing approach is the purpose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with chondroprotectors. According to the authors of the article, this approach to the treatment of pain in the area of the knee joint does not take into account one of the main components of the occurrence of arthralgia – muscle imbalance, both at the local level of the lower extremities and muscular-fascial chains. According to the theory of muscular chains, the dislocation of bones forming the knee joint leads to uneven loading of the femoral and tibial bones to the metaphizar deposits, which leads to a circulatory disorder and further leads to degenerative-dystrophic diseases. Understanding this component of pathogenesis can give a specialist in physical therapy and ergotherapy a more informed approach to the development of balanced treatment tactics aimed at eliminating the primary causes of pain syndrome. Conclusion. Pain in the knee joint can be caused not only by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the bones, but also can be associated with muscle imbalance of the posterior surface line. The development of a rehabilitation program for knee pain should include not only the use of local remedies, but also take into account the impact on the relevant reflex areas in the spine. Emerging degenerative-dystrophic processes in the bones that are part of the structure of the knee joint can be caused by their dislocation due to muscle imbalance. Uncontrolled and unauthorized use of analgesics by patients with knee pain can smooth the clinical picture and reduce the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

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