Zaychenko G. V., ,Gorchakova N. A.,Shumeiko O. V.,Klymenko O. V.,Doroshenko G. I.
The review represents data about biochemical and physiological zinc properties, its pharmacological influence. Among the trace elements, zinc is one of the most used elements in biology and medicine. Zinc preserves molecular integration, influences the growth and division of cells, is included in some enzymes. Metallothioneins bind zinc with high affinity and serve as intracellular zinc reservoir. They may release free intracellular zinc when needed and mediate physiological zinc role, maintain zinc homeostasis in brain synaptic activity. Metallothioneins are strong radical scavengers that is why zinc plays the main role in oxidative stress. It is intracellular regulator, which influences apoptosis, osteogenesis, keratogenesis, provides intracellular support to proteins during molecular integration. It is a structural component in nucleonic acids and gene regulator proteins. Zinc deficiency has been detected in neurological and psychic diseases. Zinc supplement was effective in patients with stroke and brain injury. Zinc has a positive impact on memory and reduces hyperactivity in children. Zinc is involved in signals neurotransmission. Its deficiency in brain is connected with Alzheimer`s disease, depression, schizophrenia that is why it is used for the treatment of these diseases. Vitamin C is the zinc synergist in the treatment of neurological and psychic diseases as it has antioxidant properties, takes place in detoxication. Zinc plays the important role in autistic disorders in children and is included in the pharmacotherapy of this status. Zinc deficiency leads to liver diseases, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and gastrointestinal disturbances such as appetite loss, diarrhea, and anorexia. In chronic liver diseases, zinc corrects amino acids disbalance, capacity to synthesize albumin, metabolize ammonium. It was shown that zinc as a heavy metal has antimicrobial action in diarrheas, cholera and other gastrointestinal diseases. It was detected that zinc has antiviral effects in herpes diseases and diseases of upper respiratory ways. Conclusion. Zinc deficiency is connected with some autoimmune diseases such as asthma, eczema and other dermatological diseases. The supply of human organism with zinc and vitamins A, C, D and E is a promising approach because it is a cofactor of 118 proteins aimed at antiviral protection of the human body including interferon-1-dependent proteins against coronavirus. It was shown that zinc helps to inhibit «cytokine storm» characteristic of COVID-19, reduces chronic systemic inflammation and compensates for comorbid pathologies of cardiovascular system in patients with COVID-19. Zinc may influence other systems such as reproductive function, pregnancy, fetus, testosterone synthesis
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
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