The presence of dentition defects and the choice of modern methods of restoring their integrity remains a topical issue in domestic and foreign dentistry. On the other hand, much attention is paid to imaging methods for examination of secondary defects of teeth, dentition, which are widely used to clarify the diagnosis, determine the plan and prognosis of treatment. The purpose of our research was to continue the study of the structural characteristics of small defects of the dentition in adults of Kharkiv based on the results of the analysis of X-ray examination. Material and methods. Orthopantomograms of 1269 patients (aged from 18 to 84 years) were analyzed, and X-rays were performed on a fifth-generation Dental Computed Tomography Vereviewepocs 3D R100 (Morita, Japan) between May 2017 and May 2019. The primary material was divided into 12 age groups according to the age of the patients, taking into account the WHO recommendation (1988). The analysis of the structure of small dentition defects in Kharkiv residents was carried out depending on such characteristics of dentition defects as the presence of included (limited) defects or final (unlimited) defects and their simultaneous presence in the patient. Results and discussion. The analysis of orthopantomograms of 1269 people revealed that the number of final small defects of the dentition was 4.29 times less with such limited defects (respectively 18.88% and 81.12%, p <0.05). On the basis of gender, statistical significance in the distribution between limited and unrestricted small dentition defects was generally not found (p> 0.05), but in the vast majority of cases, women who had these variants of defects were still more than men. We also noted that if the prevalence of included small defects of dentition became maximum at the age of 35 to 39 years, the final defects reached such a level only in old age, which may be associated with an increase in the number of teeth that are already contraindicated for conservative endodontic treatment and they were subject to removal. The results of this study coincided with the general trends in the development and structure of small defects of the dentition in the population of different regions of Ukraine. Conclusion. The obtained data can be a theoretical basis for the organization of orthopedic care and the choice of adequate to modern requirements methods of treatment of dental patients, especially young people, with the presence of small defects of the dentition
Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University
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