Features of Performing the Applied Technique of Hand-to-Hand Combat in Competition Conditions


Radchenko Yu. А., ,Radchenko А. А.


Hand-to-hand combat is a qualitatively new applied sport, which includes the most effective techniques of various types of martial arts and impoverishes sports and applied fields. Due to its characteristics, this sport is gaining popularity not only among military personnel, but also among the general population. A distinctive feature of hand-to-hand combat as a sport is the holding of competitions in various directions, one of which is the demonstration of applied equipment section. It is in this type of competition that athletes demonstrate the technique that is used in standard situations of a real battle model with an unarmed and armed opponent using special equipment and weapons. Due to its specifics, this is precisely the direction that remains insufficiently studied at this time, despite the fact that there is a large amount of specialized literature devoted to the subject of hand-to-hand combat. The modern method of teaching hand-to-hand combat is largely based on practical experience, and not on special scientific research. The purpose of the study was to analyze the section demonstrating the applied technique of hand-to-hand combat in the dynamics of competitions, to identify the features of the implementation of techniques, to outline ways to further improve the educational process. Material and methods. To achieve the goal of the work, we conducted an analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and analysis of documentary and regulatory materials. To study the features of the demonstration section of applied equipment, we analyzed the video materials of the championship of Ukraine of one of the state power departments. We studied 183 standard situations – models of real combat with an unarmed and armed enemy using special equipment and weapons, which were performed by 43 athletes, 3 of them were MSIC, 9 MS, 21 CMS, from the 10th to the 1st dan. We also developed a Questionnaire, which was proposed to 14 hand-to-hand combat trainers. The questions of the questionnaire dealt with the features of the competition in hand-to-hand combat, the criteria and requirements for the implementation of applied equipment. Results and discussion. The data obtained as a result of the questioning let us determine the requirements for the use of competitive model situations, their phase structure, the peculiarities of liberation from grips and grips, the use of weapons and disarmament. The hand-to-hand combat is an applied sport that will be iced up in various directions. A distinctive feature of this sport is the use of an element of surprise, which greatly complicates the implementation of competitive exercises. To improve the preparation process, it is necessary to improve the technique of performing the initial phases of simulated competitive situations. Taking into account the peculiarity of hand-to-hand combat we must pay attention to the fulfillment of final provisions, especially with the use of weapons. Conclusion. To increase the attractiveness of the competition, it is necessary to take measures to increase the reality of performing motor actions on the part of the opponent and increase the variability of model situations by separating the competition for modeling the situations of attack of an armed and unarmed enemy separately in directions


Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University

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