Describes and provides a brief description of the modern application of hydraulic “long” lines in a subsea production facility. The necessity and relevance of developing a mathematical model that allows us to predict and carry out practical calculations of ongoing processes in hydraulic “long” lines, spending the minimum amount of time and resources on this, is shown. In the article are provided general provisions and basic mathematical relationships for performing calculations and modeling unsteady processes in hydraulic lines with distributed parameters. Boundary conditions are given that make it possible to obtain a closed system of equations representing a mathematical model of hydraulic “long” lines. The scientific novelty of the results presented in the article is that the main criteria necessary for the design and operation of equipment containing hydraulic “long” lines were obtained and presented. Among which it is especially necessary to note, dependences for the unsteady coefficient of hydraulic friction resistance of the pipe λ. Criteria are also given for determining the amplitude of signal attenuation in the case of using a hydraulic “long” line as a line for transmitting information, as well as a criterion that allows to determine the minimum pump flow rate to ensure a given level of purity of the working fluid during operation and maintenance of equipment with hydraulic “long” lines, which It is especially important and relevant in practice for the selection of equipment and determine the minimum required power. The content of the article is interest to specialists involved in the development of hydraulic systems with hydraulic “long” lines.
Izdatel'skii dom Spektr, LLC
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7 articles.