
Kurysheva A. A.


This article describes the main trends in the development of cryptography, in particular, the need for active research in the field of postquantum cryptography. The purpose of the article was to review the latest trends in the field of post-quantum cryptography, due to the emergence of quantum algorithms, in order to reflect the current problems arising in the field of modern cryptography. The main method of research is the analysis of scientific literature for the period from 2016 to 2022. The use of quantum computer and quantum algorithms will significantly reduce the time of cracking keys with encryption and solve some types of cryptographic hash functions, which will lead to a significant increase in the length of keys and a decrease in performance. Due to the great economic influence of the USA, it is necessary to pay attention to the post–quantum NIST contests: from the algorithms under consideration, lattice-based algorithms will be standardized, which are the most reliable and efficient in terms of performance according to NIST, however, in order not to rely only on this type of algorithms, NIST selected alternative algorithms–isogeny–based, code–based, hash–based. So, there is a need to conduct research on the search for post-quantum algorithms of various types, which is confirmed by various NIST competitions. Post-quantum algorithms based on the computational difficulty of solving systems of many quadratic equations with many variables are also effective, such algorithms have not been considered by NIST, but they are relevant for further research. Since updating protocols, schemes and infrastructure objects must be carried out together with the introduction of new cryptographic algorithms, the replacement of currently used cryptographic algorithms can be very destructive and take decades, re-encryption with such a new algorithm of stored information and keys can also be used.


Izdatel'skii dom Spektr, LLC


General Materials Science

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