Kukushkin D. I.,Antonenko V. A.
The serverless computing model is becoming quite widespread. This model allows developers to create flexible and fault tolerant applications with an attractive billing model. The increasing complexity of serverless functions has led to the necessity to use serverless workflows – serverless functions invoking other serverless functions. However, such concept imposes certain requirements on the serverless functions that make distributed computations. The overhead of transferring data between serverless functions can significantly increase the execution time of a program using this approach. One way to reduce overhead is to improve serverless scheduling techniques. This paper discusses an approach to scheduling serverless computations based on data dependency analysis. We propose to divide the problem of planning of the computation of a composite serverless function into three stages. For each stage we provide a description by a mathematical model. We carried out a review of algorithms used to schedule resources by compilers and in parallel computing in multiprocessor systems to determine the best algorithm to implement in a prototype scheduler. For each algorithm, it was specified how it could be used for resource scheduling in serverless platforms. We provide a description of the developed prototype based on the Fission serverless platform. The prototype implements the critical path heuristic. It is shown that the improvements can significantly reduce the execution time up to two times for some types of serverless functions.
Izdatel'skii dom Spektr, LLC