On the basis of modelling an acoustic path of the angle beam probe with a reflector as a side drilled hole influence of two factors resulting to quasiband of acoustic axis of the angle beam probe is shown, first of which is connected to change of amplitude echo signal owing to attenuation of a shear wave in the environment due to absorption and dispersion, and the second factor – with change of amplitude owing to a divergence of wave fronts radiated and received elastic waves. Influence of the first factor is increased with growth of attenuation and depth of reflector, and the second – on increase of distance up to a reflector practically does not depend. Quantitative estimations have revealed a ratio of influence of both factors on size of a angle quasiband of acoustic axis on value of factor of attenuation of shear waves. Reduction of an angle quasidand with increase of radius piezoplate of the angle beam probe is shown at constant operation frequency, that is at narrowing the directivity characteristic of the probe.
Izdatel'skii dom Spektr, LLC