Pauliukevich Yu. G.,Laryionov P. S.,Kavrus I. V.
The results of studying the influence of the chemical composition, material structure, crystallization features and isomorphic substitutions in pyroxene solid solutions of the augite type on the mechanical characteristics of glass ceramics are presented. The mechanism of structure formation is shown, which consists in the crystallization of chromium spinel and subsequent growth on its surface of crystals of a pyroxene solid solution of the augite type in the form of spherical intergrowths, which ensures high mechanical strength of glass-ceramic proppants. It has been established that during the course of isomorphic substitutions in the diopside-augite series, the mechanical strength of glass-ceramic proppants increases, which is associated with a decrease in bond lengths, an increase in their number, and compaction of the unit cell.
Izdatel'skii dom Spektr, LLC
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