Murav’eva O. V.,Brester A. F.,Vladykin A. L.
The article presents the results of experimental and theoretical research of the influence of the characteristics of a through-type electromagnetic-acoustic transducer and testing object on the focusing parameters of transverse waves using COMSOL Multiphysics. It is shown that in the radial plane of the section, the formation of a converging spherical front is observed, in the axial plane – close to a flat front. The influence on the focusing factor and the diameter of the focal spot of the diameter of the object, the operating frequency and the quality factor of the excitation pulse is presented. The developed model of the formation of the focus zone of the through-type EMAT can be used in the analysis of the acoustic path of the mirror-shadow method of multiple shadow, depending on the characteristics of the object and control parameters.
Izdatel'skii dom Spektr, LLC
General Medicine,General Chemistry
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