Ovod A. I.,Novikova M. D.,Solyanina V. A.
The availability of medical care to the population at the inpatient and outpatient stages is one of the priorities of the activities of the domestic healthcare system. Treatment of patients with wounds, ulcers, wound infection requires the availability of a drug resource, including both auxiliary and specific drug therapy. A significant number of patients with skin pathologies turn to medical and pharmaceutical organizations. Their treatment is a complex and differentiated process depending on the nature and origin of the wound, as well as the individual characteristics of the victim's body. Currently, there are drugs for the treatment of this pathology on the domestic pharmaceutical market, but the most important for drug therapy for skin injuries is group D – dermatological drugs, which is represented by 21 international nonproprietary names and 283 trade names.
Izdatel'skii dom Spektr, LLC
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