1. Department of Applied Sciences, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014, India
Derivatives of azaborine viz., diazaborines, borazine and pseudoborazine, but interestingly all of them
are not purely aromatic. The sequence of aromaticity of some azaborine and its derivatives were given
as azaborine > diazaborine > pesudoborazine > borazine. Also they have different ring bond distances
as B-B, N-N and B-N. Due to their difference in properties of aromaticity and structure, the π-π
stacking interaction was also very interesting and quite different from the normal aromatic systems.
Quantum mechanical, MP2 method is quite useful for determining the π-π stacking interaction in
different azaborine dimers and its derivatives for eclipsed and staggered stacked conformations. Stacked
models of azaborine derivatives with intermolecular rotations also shows different interaction energies.
Asian Journal of Chemistry