1. Department of Applied Chemistry, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (Deemed to be University), Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore-641114, India
The secondary metabolites have a significant property of therapy as well as toxicity. One among the
secondary metabolite that is enormously present in plants is alkaloids. The occurrence of the alkaloid
is found to be about 20% in the plants. These compounds have a useful therapeutic application in
health disorders. On the other hand, they also cause toxicity to humans as well as animals. Their
toxicity levels in humans may tend to affect the gastrointestinal and nervous systems. In this review,
occurrence, synthesis and the toxicity levels of non-heterocyclic alkaloids viz. N-methyl tyramine and
colchicine as well as heterocyclic alkaloids, viz. derivatives of pyrrolizidine (seneciphylline, echimidine),
purine (caffeine, theobromine), indole (ergotamine, brucine) and glycoalkaloids (solanine, tomatine)
are discussed. The detection of these alkaloids by chromatographic techniques is also underlined.
Asian Journal of Chemistry