A relação público-privado na expansão do atendimento à Educação Infantil no município de Teresina-PI


Lima Carmen Lucia de Sousa1ORCID


1. Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI


This article aims to analyze the progress of the privatization process of Early Childhood Education in the Municipal Education System of Teresina, through the convention with community institutions, confessional and philanthropic non-profit. This is a bibliographic review study that was based on theorists such as Adrião and Borghi (2009), Alves and Silva (2014), Arelaro (2008), Bassi (2011), Gil (2008), Montaño (2008), among others. It discusses Fundeb's contributions to the expansion of Early Childhood Education and the effects of this fund on the expansion of care to this segment of education through the policy of agreements concluded between the Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Teresina (Semec) and the third sector through transfers of public resources converted into social subsidies through current transfers from the public authorities to public or private institutions of care. In the end, it was concluded that Fundeb was an important regulatory reference that induced the municipality to expand the offer of early childhood education, as well as contributed to the increase of the convention as a strategy to expand the offer and comply with the legislation.


Universidade Federal do Tocantins








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