1. Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA
2. Prefeitura Municipal de Pacajá, Pará
3. Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará - UFOP
This article aims to discuss the working conditions of the Professor of Natural Sciences, in classes of several years, in rural schools. The methodology used in this study was based on qualitative research. The data collection techniques were intensive direct observation in science classes and semi-structured interviews, conducted at the Municipal School of Primary Education Sonho de Criança, located in the municipality of Pacajá/PA. The interview was conducted with the only teacher of the Science discipline, with the pedagogical coordinator and the director of education, the last two work in the Municipal Department of Education and guide the teaching work in that school. The data revealed the precarious conditions in which the teacher has been going through the class of several years and the difficulties faced to work with science content in a class composed of different grades, due to the lack of adequate didactic resources and in sufficient quantity to carry out your teaching work. We conclude that the work of the science teacher in this class has been based on the use of the serial urban teaching model, with the need to include specific teaching methodologies for classes of various classes in the schools of this municipality, which favor teaching-learning and facilitate the performance of the teacher in the classroom.
Universidade Federal do Tocantins
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