Patria on stage: Cicero and the use of prosopopoeia


Tedeschi Antonella


Ancient rhetoricians knew how important the use of theatrical techniques was to increase the persuasive effect of rhetorical arguments. Therefore, training with theatrical techniques of voice modulation, breathing exercises and physical exercises was strongly recommended. This way the orator became similar to the histrio, because both shared the actio. Cicero himself puts these theoretical precepts into practice, in his intense oratorical activity, by impersonating the characters he defends or accuses, reproducing their words, revealing their character, as if he were performing on stage. Quintilian recognizes Cicero's mastery in playing parts even in the first speech against Catiline in the Senate, when Cicero plays the part of an abstract entity, Patria, the Fatherland (Cic.Catil.1,18 and 1,27-29): the theatrical fiction of prosopopoeia supports Cicero’s rhetorical and political strategy. He has more effective influence on the audience and persuades them to act harshly against Catiline


Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

Reference34 articles.

1. Barthes, R. (1972), La retorica antica, Milano, Bompiani.

2. Berardi, F. (2015), «Il χαρακτηρισμός nella tradizione retorica antica», RCCM 57, 89-118.

3. Bianco, M. M. (2009), «L' uomo e il personaggio: Catilina sulla scena», Maia 61.2, 210-223.

4. Casamento, A. (2006), «Spettacolo della giustizia, spettacolo della parola: il caso della pro Milone», in G. Petrone & A. Casamento (eds.), Lo spettacolo della giustizia: le orazioni di Cicerone, Palermo, Flaccovio, 181-198.

5. Cavarzere, A. (2006), Gli arcani dell’oratore. Alcuni appunti sull’actio dei Romani, Roma-Padova, Editrice Antenore.







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