Two levels of incorporating cattle tallow (CT) and agricultural or agro-industrial byproducts of regional abundance were tested in the supplement to be compared with the usual practice of supplementation of the farm, using to cover the limitations of base ration in calves at the end of the lactation. Using a completely randomized design with three treatments, to determine their effect on weight gain (WG), food intake, animal behavior and cost of supplementation; with 78, 77 and 76 animals, respectively per treatment, there are: T0 farm ration (without tallow, with hen excreta´s.-HE.-49.22%, wheat bran 39.6% and sesame cake 11.72%). T1: ration with 3.5 % of CT, from the industrial slaughters from Barquisimeto, (50% H, corn byproduct meal.-CBM.- 30.9%, sugar cane molasses.-SCM.- 15%, salt-sulfur flower 4:1.-SSF.- 0.6%). T2: ration with 7% CT (T1, with 30.9% CBM). All animals receive distilleries vinasse ad libitum. The experiment was 7 d for adaptation for rations and 98 d to make measurements. The animals were confined in corrals 20 m by 20 m, live weight of 265 ± 4.96 kg (age 10 to 11 months). To aggregate 3.5% CT in the ration with 50% HE and substituting CBM with 15% of SCM, permitted increase the food intake and WG, with reduction of supplementation cost and the time to sell the animals. Whereas the use 7% CT was disadvantageous in all variables evaluated and lower that farm ration.
Asociacion Latinoamericana de Produccion Animal
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