RNA sequencing-based exploration of the effects of far-red light on lncRNAs involved in the shade-avoidance response of D. officinale


Li Hansheng1,Ye Wei2,Wang Yaqian1,Chen Xiaohui3,Fang Yan1,Sun Gang1


1. College of Resources and Chemical Engineering, Sanming University, Sanming, China

2. The Institute of Medicinal Plant, Sanming Academy of Agricultural Science, Shaxian, China

3. Institute of Horticultural Biotechnology, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou, China


Dendrobium officinale (D. officinale) is a valuable medicinal plant with a low natural survival rate, and its shade-avoidance response to far-red light is as an important strategy used by the plant to improve its production efficiency. However, the lncRNAs that play roles in the shade-avoidance response of D. officinale have not yet been investigated. This study found that an appropriate proportion of far-red light can have several effects, including increasing the leaf area and accelerating stem elongation, in D. officinale. The effects of different far-red light treatments on D. officinale were analysed by RNA sequencing technology, and a total of 69 and 78 lncRNAs were differentially expressed in experimental group 1 (FR1) versus the control group (CK) (FR1-CK) and in experimental group 4 (FR4) versus the CK (FR4-CK), respectively. According to GO and KEGG analyses, most of the differentially expressed lncRNA targets are involved in the membrane, some metabolic pathways, hormone signal transduction, and O-methyltransferase activity, among other functions. Physiological and biochemical analyses showed that far-red light promoted the accumulation of flavonoids, alkaloids, carotenoids and polysaccharides in D. officinale. The effect of far-red light on D. officinalemight be closely related to the cell membrane and Ca2+ transduction. Based on a Cytoscape analysis and previous research, this study also found that MSTRG.38867.1, MSTRG.69319.1, and MSTRG.66273.1, among other components, might participate in the far-red light signalling network through their targets and thus regulate the shade-avoidance response of D. officinale. These findings will provide new insights into the shade-avoidance response of D. officinale.




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine,General Neuroscience

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