Sea starHenricia spiculifera(Clark, 1901) in the northwestern Pacific: one species or three?


Chichvarkhin Anton


Three species of the sea stars are reported from the waters of the northwestern Pacific. These species were referred by earlier authors asHenricia spiculiferaorH. leviuscula spiculifera. Two of them,H. lineataandH. uluudax, were recently described from the Aleutian Islands. These species are reported for the first time from the western Pacific (southeastern Kamchatka shore, Commander Islands, and the northern Kurile Islands). The third species,H. olgasp. n. is herein described from the northern Sea of Japan. It is very likely that similar sea stars recorded in Yellow Sea and the southern Kurile Islands belong toH. olgasp. n. These three species are a part of a phylogenetic clade within the subgenusSetihenricia, which also includesH. sanguinolenta, H. multispina,and several undescribed species occurring in the northeastern Pacific.


Far East Program

Russian Foundation for Basic Research




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine,General Neuroscience

Reference42 articles.

1. Character-based DNA barcoding: a superior tool for species classification;Bergmann;Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift,2009

2. Henricia djakonovi sp. nov. (Echinodermata, Echinasteridae): a new sea star species from the Sea of Japan;Chichvarkhin;PeerJ,2017

3. A new sea star species of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) from the northwestern Sea of Japan and description of a new subgenus;Chichvarkhin,2017

4. Sea stars of the genus Henricia Gray, 1840 (Echinodermata, Asteroidea) from the northwestern Sea of Japan;Chichvarkhin,2017

5. First record of sea star Henricia pachyderma Hayashi, 1940 (Echinodermata, Spinulosida, Echinasteridae) in Russian fauna;Chichvarkhin;Investigations of Aquatic Biological Resources of Kamchatka and the Northwestern Pacific,2017







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