Vocal complexity in the long calls of Bornean orangutans


Erb Wendy M.12,Ross Whitney1,Kazanecki Haley1,Mitra Setia Tatang34,Madhusudhana Shyam15,Clink Dena J.1


1. K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States of America

2. Department of Anthropology, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick, United States of America

3. Primate Research Center, Universitas Nasional Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

4. Department of Biology, Faculty of Biology and Agriculture, Universitas Nasional Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

5. Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Curtin University, Perth, Australia


Vocal complexity is central to many evolutionary hypotheses about animal communication. Yet, quantifying and comparing complexity remains a challenge, particularly when vocal types are highly graded. Male Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii) produce complex and variable “long call” vocalizations comprising multiple sound types that vary within and among individuals. Previous studies described six distinct call (or pulse) types within these complex vocalizations, but none quantified their discreteness or the ability of human observers to reliably classify them. We studied the long calls of 13 individuals to: (1) evaluate and quantify the reliability of audio-visual classification by three well-trained observers, (2) distinguish among call types using supervised classification and unsupervised clustering, and (3) compare the performance of different feature sets. Using 46 acoustic features, we used machine learning (i.e., support vector machines, affinity propagation, and fuzzy c-means) to identify call types and assess their discreteness. We additionally used Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) to visualize the separation of pulses using both extracted features and spectrogram representations. Supervised approaches showed low inter-observer reliability and poor classification accuracy, indicating that pulse types were not discrete. We propose an updated pulse classification approach that is highly reproducible across observers and exhibits strong classification accuracy using support vector machines. Although the low number of call types suggests long calls are fairly simple, the continuous gradation of sounds seems to greatly boost the complexity of this system. This work responds to calls for more quantitative research to define call types and quantify gradedness in animal vocal systems and highlights the need for a more comprehensive framework for studying vocal complexity vis-à-vis graded repertoires.


Rutgers University

The Center for Human Evolutionary Studies


The American Association of University Women










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