Natural grazing by horses and cattle promotes bird diversity in a restored European alluvial grassland


Lovász Lilla12,Korner-Nievergelt Fränzi23,Amrhein Valentin12


1. Research Station Petite Camargue Alsacienne, Saint Louis, France

2. Department of Environmental Sciences, Universität Basel, Basel, Switzerland

3. Oikostat GmbH, Ettiswil, Switzerland


Context A challenge in grassland conservation is to maintain both the openness and the heterogeneity of the habitat to support the diversity of their animal communities, including birds—a taxon that is known to be sensitive to disturbance. An increasingly used management tool in European grassland conservation, especially in rewilding projects, is grazing by large herbivores such as horses and cattle. These grazers are believed to create and maintain patchy landscapes that promote diversity and richness of other species, but their influence on birds is often debated by conservationists, who raise concerns about the impact of disturbance by the grazers. Objectives Our aim was to examine the relationship between the abundance and species richness of birds across four foraging guilds and the area utilization patterns of Highland cattle and Konik horses in an alluvial grassland in France. We also aimed to examine the influence of land cover and season on the spatial distribution, including abundance and species richness, of different bird guilds present in the grazed area. Methods We used GPS-collars on all grazers and recorded their positions on an hourly basis over a study period of 1.5 years, assessing patterns of area usage. We counted birds weekly along three transects to describe their distribution within the grazed area and carried out land-cover surveys to describe the habitat. To assess how species richness and abundance of birds of different guilds were related to grazer density, season, and habitat characteristics, we used GAMM models in a spatially explicit framework. We also compared bird numbers at our main study site with a nearby non-grazed control area. Results The number of birds in the grazed area was about twice the number in the non-grazed control area. Within the grazed area, the abundance of open-area foraging birds increased with increasing grazer density. The number of woodland-foraging birds was also positively correlated with grazer density but less so than open-area foraging birds. The number of individuals in the aerial and wetland bird guilds was not correlated with the density of grazers. Most bird species and individuals were observed on open landscapes scattered with woody patches and waterbodies, and on areas with moderate grazer density. Conclusions Low-intensity grazing represents a potentially important management tool in creating heterogeneity in alluvial grasslands, thereby promoting suitable habitat for a diverse assemblage of bird species.


Fondation de bienfaisance Jeanne Lovioz

Foundation Emilia Guggenheim-Schnurr

Ornithologische Gesellschaft Basel

The Swiss Association Pro Petite Camargue Alsacienne

The Foundation Wolfermann-Nägeli

The Foundation Frey-Clavel

The MAVA Foundation









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