Re-evaluation of the morphology and phylogeny ofDiplocynodon levantinicumHuene & Nikoloff, 1963 and the stratigraphic age of the West Maritsa coal field (Upper Thrace Basin, Bulgaria)


Massonne Tobias12,Böhme Madelaine12ORCID


1. Senckenberg Center of Human Evolution and Palaeoecology, Tübingen, Germany

2. Department of Geosciences, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany


Diplocynodon levantinicumHuene & Nikoloff, 1963 was described based on few bone fragments from the West-Maritsa lignite basin of Central Bulgaria. Huene & Nikoloff, 1963 assumed a late Pliocene age, implying that this species represents the stratigraphically youngest crocodilian of Europe. In this current study, we re-evaluate the stratigraphy of the West-Maritsa Basin and conclude a late Oligocene age of ~26 Ma for the Kipra coal-seam, the fossiliferous horizon. Furthermore, topotypical and undescribedD. levantinicumspecimens are accessible now and allowed for a deeper taxonomic and phylogenetic analysis. A comparison with otherDiplocynodonspecies revealsD. levantinicumas a valid species, having (1) a long suborbital fenestra, (2) a very short dentary symphysis, (3) a large gap between the first and second dentary alveolus, (4) an occlusion pit in line with the tooth row posterior to the 14thdentary alveolus, (5) a sulcus lateral to the glenoid fossa and, (6) a lingual foramen for the articular artery situated entirely on the surangular. The phylogenetic analyses findD. levantinicumdeeply nested inside the Diplocynodontinae subfamily. After the disappearance of the Paratethyan influence (Solenovian regional stage) in the Upper Thrace Basin this species has roamed during the late Oligocene extensive freshwater lake and swamp ecosystems represented by the Maritsa Formation.Diplocynodon levantinicumrepresents the only nominalDiplocynodontaxon of late Oligocene (Chattian) age.




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine,General Neuroscience

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