Collecting whales: processes and biases in Nordic museum collections


Delsett Lene LiebeORCID


Whales are unique museum objects that have entered collections in many ways and for different reasons. This work studies three Nordic natural history museum collections in Norway and Denmark with more than 2,500 whale specimens in total, and gathers the available biological and collection data on the specimens, which include skeletal elements, foetuses and organs preserved in ethanol or formalin, and a few dry-preserved organs. It finds that influx of specimens, which were mainly locally common species that were hunted, to the collections, mainly happened in the latest 1800s and earliest 1900s, fuelled by research trends, nation building, local whaling, and colonial mechanisms. Norway was a major whaling nation, but the largest hunt for whales in the Southern Ocean in the mid-1900s is not reflected in the Norwegian museum collections, probably because of the commercial focus of the whaling industry and logistical challenges, combined with limited research interest in zoological specimens at that time. The results demonstrate that it is important to understand these processes and the resulting biases for future research, outreach, and conservation.


UiO Norden

Synthesys+ transnational access grant

Professor R. Collett og Professor N. Willes legat research grant



Reference96 articles.

1. Global vulnerability of marine mammals to global warming;Albouy;Scientific Reports,2020

2. First stranding of Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) on the Danish North Sea Coast;Alstrup;Aquatic Mammals,2021

3. Collection building: an overview;Anderson,1997

4. Mass strandings of seven toothed and baleen whale species in Northern Norway in March 2020 call for further investigation;Aniceto;Polar Biology,2021

5. Norwegian red list for species 2021. [In Norwegian];Artsdatabanken,2021

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