Cloning and functional characterization of porcine AACS revealing the regulative roles for fat deposition in pigs


Zhang Pan12,Zhang Bo1,Fu Yu1,Li Pan1,Zhang Hao1


1. State Key Laboratory of Animal Biotech Breeding, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

2. Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, Beijing Milu Ecological Research Center, Beijing, China


Fat deposition is a quantitative trait controlled by multiple genes in pigs. Using transcriptome sequencing, we previously reported that AACS is differentially expressed in the subcutaneous fat tissue of Dingyuan pigs with divergent backfat thickness. Therefore, with the aim of further characterizing this gene and its protein, we cloned the entire 3286-bp mRNA sequence of the porcine AACS, and the encoded AACS protein is a hydrophilic protein without a signal peptide or transmembrane sequence. Our findings suggested that among various tissues and pig breeds, AACS was highly expressed in subcutaneous fat. We have identified three completely linked SNP loci in the AACS gene: A-1759C, C-1683T, and A-1664G. The double luciferase activity test in the 5′ flanking region indicated that the flanking region of AACS contained several active regulatory elements. The three linked SNPs that were identified in one of the critical active elements, and might serve as important molecular markers regulating backfat thickness. Finally, we observed that AACS overexpression inhibited the proliferation and differentiation of subcutaneous preadipocytes. Collectively, our results suggest that AACS inhibits subcutaneous fat deposition in pigs. This study provides a new molecular marker for understanding the mechanism of porcine fat deposition.


Tibet Major Science and Technology Project

National Natural Science Foundation of China




General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology,General Medicine,General Neuroscience

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