1. TC Milli Savunma Bakanlığı
Evaluation of quality studies in order to ensure patient safety is possible by measuring quality. "Quality Indicators" are used for this. In order to determine indicators and for realistic measurements, detecting and reporting unexpected events that have arisen on the basis of these indicators reveal invaluable results for the development of health systems.Germany, which is a developed country and a member of the European Union, and Turkey, which is a developing country on the way to the European Union, were compared in the focus of quality indicators and unexpected events in focus of “Quality Practices in Healthcare” in study.It is aimed to recognize the Quality of Health Care as a result of comparative evaluation, to discuss the positive and negative aspects of the two countries' quality indicators and their approaches to unexpected events, and to suggest alternative methods for application updates.In conclusion; In Germany, the Quality Program can be defined as a "Data-Based Quality Program with Wide Participation". Hospitals are encouraged for Unexpected Event Notifications in Germany, they are directed towards quality, and quality competition which created in healthcare services. However, when the payments and financial concerns are taken into consideration, it is felt that this competition cannot be achieved only by publishing the quality indicators to the public. Although a very good level has been achieved in the system that will enable the use of quality indicators in Turkey, there are problems in unexpected event notification, use of quality indicators and sharing of results.