Using the broken needle technique for peripheral venous puncture in assistance to premature newborn


Pagano Letícia Morais1,Moreira Denis da Silva1,Resck Zélia Marilda Rodrigues1ORCID


1. Universidade Federal de Alfenas


Objective: To understand the use of the broken needle technique peripheral venous puncture in the professional practice of assistance to preterm infants. Method: Qualitative study conducted through interviews with neonatal care professionals submitted to Content Analysis to Bardin. Results: The following categories were identified: Professional perceptions regarding the benefits of the broken needle technique for the neonate; Learning and professional experience of broken needle technique. Conclusion: The transfer of knowledge from one professional to another favored the incorporation of the technique in the institution. The team is concerned with performing techniques that are less aggressive to the newborn and therefore perform the broken needle because they believe it is more advantageous and beneficial and has no adverse effects on the neonate. The professionals decide which technique to use taking into account the anatomical and clinical characteristics of the neonate, their ability and safety in the execution.


Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UNIRIO

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