1. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Brasil
Objective: The study’s purpose has been to further understand how nurses implement the nursing care towards diabetes bearing people, by taking into consideration the health education approach in hospital setting. Methods: It is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach. A total of 13 nurses were interviewed in a general hospital, where a conventional data analysis was then carried out. Results: Based on the findings, the following two categories appeared: obstacles in the educational care to the hospitalized person with diabetes, citing: lack of professionals, excessive work demands, structure and inadequate materials, lack of health education routines and failures in continuing education; and the possibilities for developing the educational dimension of nursing care in a hospital, including: education in individual and collective health; diabetes nurse specialist and communication between health services. Conclusion: Hospitalization is a propitious moment to implement the health education to people with diabetes and nurses must be proactive and identify themselves as organizers of educational activities for hospitalized people with diabetes.
Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UNIRIO
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