The article examines the main features of the creation and implementation of the system of key performance indicators in enterprises that are part of large retail trade networks. Priority problems of their application in the daily activities of the stores are identified. A generalized classification of indicators is given, their most common types used in the field of trade are characterized: conversion, sales plan, average receipt, average number of units in the receipt, hourly efficiency coefficient, percentage of return, customer satisfaction. Based on the spe-cifics of retail trade as a field of activity, the possibilities of evaluating the most important indicator of efficiency – customer loyalty for various categories of customers are shown. The analysis of the personnel structure of one of the trading enterprises is carried out. Considered the system of bonuses for categories of different em-ployees. Formed a system to assess the index of customer happiness and gave a scheme for its calculation, which is weighted by importance the sum of the main estimates of satisfaction. The dependence of the bonus coefficient of various categories of employees on the value of the customer happiness index for different cate-gories of employees is shown. Proposals for improving the use of key performance indicators to stimulate em-ployees of retailers have been developed.
HORS Publishing House, LLC
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