Euthanasia Education for Health Professionals in Turkey: students change their opinions


Özkara Erdem1,Civaner Murat1,Oğlak Sema1,Mayda Atilla Senih2


1. Dokuz Eylül, University, IRzmir, Turkey

2. Abant Iżzet Baysal University, Bolu, Turkey


The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of euthanasia education on the opinions of health sciences students. It was performed among 111 final year students at the College of Health Sciences, Dokuz Eylül University, IRzmir, Turkey. These students train to become paramedical professionals and health technicians. Fifteen hours of educational training concerning ethical values and euthanasia was planned and the students’ opinions about euthanasia were sought before and after the course. Statistical analyses of the data were performed with the related samples t -test by means of the Epi-Info program. Significant changes were shown in the students’ opinions on people’s right to decide about their own life, euthanasia in unconscious patients, and reasons for their objection to euthanasia after completing the course. The results of this study suggest that education can significantly change a person’s approach to euthanasia.


SAGE Publications


Issues, ethics and legal aspects

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