1300-year tree-ring width and density series based on living, dead and subfossil black spruce at tree-line in Subarctic Quebec, Canada


Wang Lily,Payette Serge,Bégin Yves1


1. Centre d'études nordiques, Universite Lavcil, Ste-Foy, Qtébec, GIK 7P4, Canada


Living, dead and subfossil trees of black spiruce (Picea mariina [Mill.] BSP were used to build a 1300-year chronology based on ring width and wood density. All density sariables (maximcum, minimum, earlywood and latewood densities) among the three types of trees were simlilar, whereas ring width was significantly Higher in liviing trees thani in deacd and subfossil trees. Correlition of the indexed series from liviing and dead trees and from dead and subfossil trees that grew during the samiie periods were higher for Maximum density (r = 0.70, 0.63) and mean latewood density (r = 0.65, 0.66) than for Minimum density (r = 0.16. 0.35 and ring with (r=0.15, 0.49). respctively. Maximum density and mean latewood density were significantly correlated with all temperature variables: mean annual (January-December) and growing season (May September) temperatures, sum of degree days and frost-free days. Accordingly, Maximum and latewood density in tree-rings of spruce stem at tree-linec can be conisidered as a function Of summner-temnperature distributions and different types of trees can be combined for the reconstruction of long-term climatic trends due to theii synchronous variations.


SAGE Publications


Paleontology,Earth-Surface Processes,Ecology,Archeology,Global and Planetary Change








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